Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

– Philippians 4:8

I found this underlined in my bible tonight…. what a powerful piece of scripture. However it caught me off guard. One of the things I have been taught all my life is to live out of excellence. The most common verse I refer to drive home a point of excellence is Colossians 3:17… in fact so much that I think that is the only verse to talk about living out of excellence.

That’s not the case is it? No, the bible is full of statements of excellence…. doing admirable tasks and simply making your life count.  I don’t have time to write a ton tonight, but thought I would share this simple thought.

The world recognizes one thing above race, gender, wealth… or poverty, intellect and religion… There’s one thing that above all the world will commend and encourage. That is excellence. It’s interesting to me how many people I meet that truly think being a christian excludes them from working incredibly hard… being obsessed with excellence and paying attention to detail.

This process takes time to perfect, and it takes work too! Stop. Slow down and work on building excellence! Remove all those thoughts that don’t contain excellence in them… and fill your mind with visions and pictures of a life full of excellence, integrity, truth, love and purity.

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