I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but when I started Orange Thread Media four years ago I never realized how much my prayer life would be boosted. Ever been in a situation where you don’t feel qualified or capable to succeed? Welcome to starting a business. Or at least that’s how I felt.

I’m not saying that I didn’t believe in myself, I did… but that was different when I dabbled in business during high school. There was no pressure. Parents were paying the bills.  Food and clothing weren’t something I had to worry about anymore and I only had to look out for myself. Do you see where I’m coming from? What was once a hobby in high school now woke me up at 6am some mornings.

I didn’t intend to start OTM either… that’s another story for another blog…. but it just sort of happened. One thing lead to another and soon enough I was coming up with a name and registering a business.



I don’t know about you, but for me when I don’t feel qualified or I feel out of my comfort zone the first place I run to is the cross. I ask for a ton of HELP!!! If you were able to hear some of my prayers they would sound more like a drowning man begging for a life boat than a high school student looking for a new idea. I found that my prayer was different when it became a reality rather than just another task on the to-do list.

There are days I feel like Jacob when I carry a God-given scar, in a way that that reminds me that God is by my side every step. Sometimes we just need to wrestle with Him in prayer first. I am desperately in need of God in my life and seek him daily for the answers of life. He is my refuge, my home.

We’re most comfortable when we’re at home aren’t we? We let our guard down and unwind a bit. Home makes us feel safe… and that’s exactly what I mean when I say that God is my refuge… he’s my Home. When I am most satisfied, regardless of what’s going on in the business, I find my prayer life is overflowing. When I am most dissatisfied, it’s when I am most in need of more Prayer.

Related Posts:  More Info: The Wide Guide


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When was the last time you felt at “Home” with God…. that’s when we begin to understand that God is our refuge.. He’s our abiding place…. our security and shelter.

For me, I cannot do this thing called “Leadership” without His wise council… so daily I wake in prayer. In meditation of His wondrous works and ask the question, “what do you want from me today Lord? Give me the guidance to accomplish your will, grow my influence for YOUR sake, not mine, and give me the courage to fight for Your will not others.”

There is a part of me that never wants to be able to be an “expert” at business because I fear loosing that need to seek out answers from God, the Bible, and wise men and women of Faith… and at the same time I want to become an expert so I can help and influence others for the Cross of Christ.

Diving daily in prayer… is the humble, yet necessary, posture of perseverance.