I want to introduce you to SALT; the creative arts conference you don’t want to miss out on. What started as a still small voice from God as a teenager, has grown into the global conversation about the role of creative arts and technology in the Church. Of all the things I’ve been blessed to be a part of over the years, this conference is the most God-ordained thing I’ve ever been invited into, and that is what makes this creative arts conference so special to me and our team.

Over time, as creatives and technicians in the church, we think our role is to be the service providers of other people’s vision and mission. We took a job at a church because we felt like God had been calling us into full time ministry, an intimate invitation to His mission through your unique vision.

However that passion for “ministry” (over time) dissipates because your routine gets trapped by the execution cycle of providing a creative “service” to the pastors mission or vision for a service.

I guess what I’m trying to say is this…

It seems to you that the gifts God gave you for the mission God revealed to you, has taken a backseat to providing a “service” to the gifts and mission of a pastor’s weekly service. You feel you’ve become a spacebar monkey in an uber creative world.

Do you ever feel you’ve become a spacebar monkey in an uber creative world.

If you agree with that statement, it’s not because of your leader or your pastor. It’s because you’re afraid to fully step into the totality of the God-calling you have received and see God begin to use you (in the exact role you’re in) to make an incredible impact on the community you serve!

Afraid to be the one who steps up and casts a creative vision for your community.
It’s likely, if its truly from God, the vision you will cast, will align (rather than compete) with your pastor’s vision for your community. 

Afraid to truly take a risk in order to reach people for Christ in a new way.
It’s likely, that your pastor has been waiting for you to bring this idea to the table. 

Afraid that if your idea fails, then so has your calling from God.
It’s more likely that God wants you to trust the giver of gifts, rather than the power of your gift. 

You’re afraid that people may actually expect you to lead.
And the result in always having to lead.


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Wow, what debilitating and powerful thoughts. (By the way, I’ve felt every single one of those above, and know them to be the reality of a lot of creative artists and technical engineers in the church)


Listen, we didn’t create this creative arts conference so that we could sit as a tribe and throw a pity party for the pains of leadership’s lack of creativity.

We created this creative arts conference to empower the creative generation, called by Christ, to become carriers of Christ to the entire world! That’s the heartbeat of SALT and why we gather. When we realize we’re not just the spacebar monkey (the one who hits the next button for lyrics), but the creative prophet God called us to be, then we become the vehicle through which God uses to cause tremendous kingdom impact. And the creative prophet is the one who uses their unique God-talents to expose the mystery of the Gospel, to speak truth in the only universal language and share hope in a desperately lost world.

So lets all convene together on October 12, 2016 at the creative arts conference that’s more about Jesus than it is about technology or art.
Lets gather at the conference that wants to see a collision of calling and craftsmanship.
Lets unite as a community at the conference that desires to see the Church (the bride of Christ) become the epicenter of creativity and beauty.
Lets commune as creative leaders at the conference that wants to awaken the 21st generation cupbearers of today’s Church.
And as a tribe, lets meet to learn how we can become the Nehemiah’s of current culture, setting the table for our city, so we can all dine with the King of Kings.

So lets join together.
As one tribe.
In the name of Christ.
To rebuild the creative walls of the Church.
Not for marketing sake.
But to make MORE of the renown and fame of Jesus.

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p.s. we’re releasing tickets this week and the first 100 we release will be the single best price you can get for #SALT16. I’d highly recommend jumping over to SALTNashville.com and getting on the mailing list… it’s that list that will have the first notification of ticket release information.

See you in Nashville this coming October!