Nearly every business magazine, news outlet or blog platform seems to constantly chase the idea that someone else’s secret sauce will help you in your endeavor. And sometimes it may! But if you feel at all like me when you read those sorts of posts, you start to think that their secret sauce isn’t as much a secret, but often really obvious.

And herein lies the first tip for uncovering your own creative potential and stepping into everything you were made for: Find your secret sauce. Here are a few thoughts about this:

1. It’s YOUR Secret sauce, not theirs.

We live in a culture that encourages us to want what others have. Including their talents, their gifts, their dreams, their business, their job, etc etc. The list goes on and on! But the trick in finding your secret sauce is that it’s yours, and not theirs. It’s not someone else’s job that you were made for… it’s your job. It’s your calling. It’s your dream.

So one of the things that you may want to try in the start of the new year to identify and step into your creative potential is to figure out what you were made for. Who you were called to become. What gifts you were given, that maybe someone else wasn’t given. And you’ll begin to see that your secret sauce makes you different, and you now have what others may one day want to have as well.

2. Infuse The Passion.

Passion is the secret to anyone’s creative potential. Because we’re wired to do what we love, and throw ourselves at the things we’re most passionate about. It will be the factor that helps you persevere when things don’t go your way, or the opportunities don’t seem to line up just right.

I’ve tried to implement a lot of business ideas in my past. Some have worked, but most haven’t. And the single greatest ingredient in those businesses that never worked was that it lacked my passion. Because when someone asks what I’m up to, or what’s new in the business, naturally I would share the things I’m passionate about. Which means the things that get shared with others are the things that have passion infused.

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No one else will see you creativity ability as valuable until you recognize your own value by investing your passion into your calling. Start there, and others will soon be captivated by your passion and help you see it come to reality.

3. Risk More Than You Want To.

There’s something interesting about tapping into the person that God has made you to become: it will take more risk than you think. So when you’re ready to really find out what God made you for in life, or what your creative potential has in store, then you’ll need to brace yourself that it may take more risk than you want to risk.

The reason, I’ve found, is that the number one thing God wants out of our being on this earth is an intimate relationship with Him, which gives him Glory in all areas of our life! So if relationship is His desire, then maybe part of your wiring will require you to trust and draw closer to Him in the process of unlocking your giftedness. In this trusting process you’ll turn your fear into faith and realize that He has your best interest at heart.

It’s in the risk that character and relationship with God will be fortified. It’s in the process that the refinement takes place, and the refinement must always take place to help you step into your creative potential.

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